The original wood-sided home with a center entry directly into the living room and only a kitchen, dining room, and sun porch on the 1st Floor was redesigned with a new corner marked by a large circular opening and the extension of the main roof of the house. Behind this exterior entry with its latticed roof, an entry-vestibule and a study replaced the original sun porch. A new powder room and rear side porch were added in place of the original rear mud room. The major addition was a 14' x 15' family room on the north side. The new family room also received the same sloped roof as the entry, but with two large skylights added to bring light into this room and the adjoining dining room. This room is oriented back toward the house with a continuous bench below a line of horizontal windows. The bench also served to conceal the hot-water radiators and to reduce clutter in the heavily used space. A new deck wraps around the entire north side of the residence accessible from the family room and side porch. The entire residence was wrapped in rough-sawn board-and-batten cedar siding to unify both the existing and new portions.
The project was featured as part of an article on remaking homes to suit the lifestyles of their owners in Better Homes & Gardens Remodeling Ideas and North Shore magazines